To provide accurate diagnosis, we employ state-of-the-art equipment for exams,
and our skilled physicians analyze your health completely from every angle.
- CT ScanNeck to Pelvis
- MRI ScanPelvis, Head
- PET-CTUpper Neck to Thigh
- UltrasonographyAbdominal
- EndoscopyEsophagus, Stomach, Duodenum
Optional Examination
- Heart Examination
- Stress ECG, Cardiac Valve and Blood Flow Tests, Arteriosclerosis Tests
- Dementia Examination
- Cerebral Blood Flow Tests, Early Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic Tests
- Female Examinations
- Mammography, PAP Smear, Endometrial Biopsy

PET-CT(Biograph mCT)
A machine equipped with 64-row (128-slice) CT scanner, as well as Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) that can capture a large 216 mm field of view in one position, which enables whole-body imaging in about 10 minutes. This allows detection of the smallest cancer lesions.

ADCT-Area Detector CT (Aquilion ONE)
Area Detector CT scanner, with the fastest imaging speed in the world, was developed by Fujita Health University Hospital. Conventional CT Scanners could only cover an area of 3.2 cm at a time, whereas this CT scanner expanded its coverage up to 16 cm. It can capture a Four-dimensional CT imaging from head to heart in one rotation, and also produce videos. With fast scanning, it helps to reduce radiation exposure to one quarter of the conventional scanner.

MRI(Vantage Titan 3T)
This world-class equipment produces consistent, high-resolution images of all body parts. It has a wide gantry and is extremely quiet, which allows for a relaxing exam.

We use the most-advanced ultrasonography with great sensitivity and resolution. Its probe is smaller than the conventional one, enabling easier application to the intercostal space, causing little to no pain during the scan. Also, it has a small transducer, allows ultrasound to pass the body with ease, even in areas that are vulnerable to bowel gas, such as pancreas and digestive tract.

We have introduced the latest endoscope with a much brighter and clearer visualization than conventional models. It has narrow-band imaging with a magnification, which allows observation of tiny lesions. During the procedure, patients are sedated for an anxiety and pain-free experience.

Fujita Health University HospitalInternational Medical Center Executive Director Professor Hitomi Sasaki Ph.D.
At International Medical Center, we provide physical exams for foreign patients and attend to their healthcare needs. Any disease found from the physical is treated immediately by our highly trained physicians. We strive to give our patients the best treatment available with the highest standard of care. We treat every patient as a family with heart and exceptional attention to detail.
- Field of Expertise
- Female Urology, Kidney Transplantation, Pediatric Urology, General Urology